Monday, October 23, 2006

Swedish fish meets the Pirates

The kids and I went to the Pirates game yesterday with grandpa and L. now believes that he's a good luck charm this season (i.e., at the 2 games we've been to so far with grandpa this season, the team has won). L. has entered this new season with another round of her own special logic.

But in usual form, the girls were being silly while watching the game. This time with a couple of stray Swedish fish in my backpack. Since meeting someone recently who had never had the penny candy (which is far from costing a penny these days), the girls have been talking about how much they love Swedish fish. And that prompted them to "introduce" their fish friends to a hockey game like they did with Bunny and Flat Stanley last season.

Yup, the fish did a little of everything with us at the game.

And I think Neil Diamond's, "Sweet Caroline" song is starting to grow on us. The girls found that dancing can make the song a little move lively.

Video The funky fish dance
[25 seconds]

BTW, catching one of the t-shirts thrown to the fans at the game was a great birthday present. Thanks Salty Pete!

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