Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Decisions, decisions

Every year deciding on a Halloween costume is painful at our house. Usually L. can not make a decision about one - and stick with it - for more than a day or so. One year she wore three different costumes, one to each party she went to and one for Halloween night, simply because it was too hard for her to pick a single one.

Of course I am not one to criticize my child's decision-making skills. I still have an LL Bean gift card from last Christmas that I have yet to redeem because I can't decide what to buy with it.

Compared to L. though, I look decisive.

At the beginning of October she decided she was going to be, "Anne of Green Gables." A little tricky since it's not something people would necessarily recognize, even with the orange yarn wig and book she planned to carry to explain the costume.

And I admit that I shared a few giggles with friends over her choice but was pleased she had made her decision early and seemed to be sticking with it. But then yesterday at dinner she announced "Anne" wasn't a good costume and she needed another one.

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays but I'm re-thinking things now. My progeny is making me crazy. Of course we could skip Trick-or-Treating but then I wouldn't have any fun or get any candy either.

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